A new title for Jack Doris in Block Company.. Get to know him

The new address, for Jack Dorsey at Block Company, CEO, Block Chairman, where the company filed a No. 8-K with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to announce the change — and of course in the new title, to go into effect on April 20.
As an example from the new title (which is assigned in full “Block President and Chief”), Dorsey’s job at Block, the company formerly known as Square, will eventually remain the same: a chief executive of the company “executing a site transfer.”
Also, Block’s bylaws are no longer any longer, and so too does he have a name that bears the name of the CEO and CEO, which seems to have a name that bears a name on his position in office as it appears to have the name Blockhead.
The change occurred at Dorsey’s request, a release for deposit. He could see his plump face at the top of this form, and decided to go ahead with the top of this form. (As of press time, that page still ends up listing a title as CEO.)
Moving on from CEO in 2021.
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