Incredible image revealed by Hubble of “cosmic angel wings”

The Hubble Space Telescope has revealed the collision of two distant galaxies in the VV-689 system, producing what have been dubbed “angel wings” transmitted by RT.
The collision occurred in the constellation Leo and the cosmic wings were formed.
“Unlike the squall alignment of the Moroccans that seems to indicate our view on Earth, the two galaxies in VV689 are in the midst of a collision,” ESA officials said in a statement.
For example, in 2012, the Hubble image captured a similar image of what looks like two overlapping galaxies, called NGC 3314, this state in the normal state, but outer space in outer space.
Hungarian Interaction System VV-689.
Observations of data from galactic collisions. On the other hand, the agency moving around the satellite television, NASA.
For example, astronomers have predicted that in about 5 billion years the Milky Way will inevitably collide with its neighboring galaxy, Andromeda (Andromeda), Live Science previously reported.
The “angel” image is from a collection of Hubble Observations of the European Space Agency, a social astronomy project that invites people to check-in. erotic erotic;
This project relies on thousands of volunteers to classify galaxies and help astronomers delve into data from data from telescopes.
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