The effects of wars on global economies

Maha Mohammed Al-Sharif
Wars have heavy costs that do not stop only at armies crushing each other and claiming lives, but one of their greatest tragedies is the killing of civilians, including children, women and the elderly, in addition to forced displacement, leaving their lives in vain and they are exposed to diseases and famine. However, after the end of the war, the extent of the economic losses that have been revealed begins. It left behind it, and countries need years to regain their economic and social balance, and what is happening in Lebanon and before that in the Gaza Strip is the best witness to that, and the situation that Syria, Libya and other countries have reached on various continents preceded them.
If we go back decades ago, World War II caused the deaths of about 50 million civilians and soldiers, and among its results was the beginning of the nuclear age, the emergence of the Cold War, and increased pressure to end colonialism in Third World countries. The war also ended America’s relative isolation from the rest of the world, and resulted in the creation of… United Nations.
Whatever the case may be; The priority does not belong to the past, but to the present in which we live and what is happening in the Middle East and the world. It expresses the appropriate radicalism of Russian history and was not accepted by the European bourgeoisie. What can NATO offer for this brutal war after the sanctions, except to reshape governance and the conflict resulting from the dissonance of economic interests? Because the driving force of all political revolutions, if the existing negotiations between the two countries and international mediations are successful, politics and economics are two necessary patterns for the continued stability of life.
It is very important; In order to understand this situation, we must realize that this war can never be derived from facts other than a historical treatment of place and time. Many of us think about the impact that these wars had on the global system and the decade of terror that prevailed after them, and the separate wars that followed that are considered a fate. Desperate behind poverty, hunger, chaos, and unforgettable historical horrors in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon, and the resulting humanitarian and catastrophic repercussions on international security and stability, and the broader conflict it unleashes around the world that is no less ferocious than previous wars.
There are many other things whose economic, political and social danger must be revealed after the Western sanctions imposed on Russia sufficient to cause the collapse of its economy, and the resulting wheat export ban that created a global crisis in food supplies in African and Middle Eastern countries. It will become the most affected, as wheat is used in the manufacture of bread, pasta, and animal feed in those countries, and even in other countries of the world, when the shortage is shaped by necessity, leading to a threat to food security in a number of countries. With this decision, 11 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, most notably Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Tunisia, and Jordan, as well as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, are threatened by rising bread prices.
Meanwhile, Ukraine banned the export of livestock, meat and other livestock by-products, according to the government statement. The export ban is likely to reduce global food supplies, as prices have reached their highest level since 2011, knowing that Russia and Ukraine together provide approximately Of a third of the world’s exports of wheat and barley, the prices of which have risen since the war; Events have ever-resounding repercussions.
The Russian-Ukrainian war, which is approaching the completion of its third year without a solution on the horizon, may result in its area expanding and getting out of control, and if the world absorbs its previous effects, the cracks that will result in its continuation and the entry of European countries into this war directly with their armies will mean a third world war that will be devastating to the economy. Global, and its damage will include the geography of the world, and the most affected are the poor countries.
Are we facing the features of a major crisis of which we have only seen the beginning? Or will rational people appear at one moment to defuse a devastating war whose repercussions have begun to spread to other regions of the world? Israel’s war on Gaza and Lebanon may be nothing but the consequences of exploiting the state of fear and anticipation of the expansion of the Russia-Ukraine war in European continent.