Guardian: Another reason for the West’s fears of a Russian victory in Ukraine policy

Rare earth elements are considered one of the most important resources around which conflict is taking place globally, and the West fears that Russia’s victory – in its current war with Ukraine, which is rich in these metals – may strengthen its position and the position of its ally China in controlling the advanced technology industry, according to what was reported in The Guardian newspaper.
Writer John Harvard said – in an article published by this British newspaper – that this scenario would be disastrous for the West, and would make it lose its technological, economic and military superiority.
He stated that rare earth elements are essential raw materials in the manufacture of electronic chips, and China has the largest economically exploitable reserves of these metals on a global level.
Invasion of Taiwan
In Europe, eastern Ukraine contains large reserves of these elements, and controlling these reserves would represent a major boost for Russia.
The writer believed that the possibility of Ukraine’s defeat, under the weight of the Western failure to provide the support it promised, would reassure China if it decided to invade Taiwan, the largest country that dominates the advanced electronic chip industry.
He considered that Ukraine, with its raw materials, and Taiwan, with its dominance in the chip industry, constitute an integrated picture of a scene that confronts the West with one reality: giving up leadership in the technology sector, and thus losing economic and military superiority in the 21st century.
According to his opinion, there is no room for short-term policies in this matter, as Chinese and Russian tyranny must be confronted with a clear strategic direction and strong resolve.