Europe and the promise coming from the West

Dr. Abdullah bin Musa Al Tayer
After World War II, the United States of America received the Middle East file from the British Empire. The American-British alliance to defeat Hitler did not mean that American politicians and memory had transcended historical deposits and deep grudges against the British Empire, nor did American elites ever hide their hatred for the British crown. This feeling generated hostility against monarchies that extended to the monarchical systems of government in the Middle East, and therefore America was determined to announce its presence with radical changes and overturn the flabby monarchical systems of government at that time. America almost announced the birth of its first trend in Iraq by orchestrating a coup against King Faisal II, King of Iraq, but King Abdul Aziz strongly opposed the trend. The Americans were not convinced to remain silent, so their plans were directed to Syria. Although it was a republic at that time, America succeeded in orchestrating the March 1949 coup, a coup that opened the gates of hell on the Syrians, as the number of coups reached twenty coups until 1970 AD. America returned the ball against monarchical regimes, with the Free Officers coup in Egypt in 1952 AD, the coup against the Imam of Yemen in 1962 AD, and against the King of Libya in 1969 AD, and in 1979 AD there was the coup against the Shah in Iran.
Why do I ruminate on the past? Because there is an American conviction at the strategic level that the Sais-Picot borders are wrong, and that they are the cause of the bloodbath that has flooded the Middle East since the end of the Second War. In this regard, America is pushing an alternative made in America, and therefore it would not be surprising to try solutions in the Middle East, and to redistribute countries according to ethnic and sectarian components, on the basis that they will be more cohesive cantons within them, and the factor of historical oppression that fuels conflict between political components will disappear. And abroad.
Fears of the coming unknown do not only threaten the Middle East, but Europe is also experiencing a state of panic over the nationalist extremist right-wing tide coming across the Atlantic. The conservative world order’s Minister of Information, Elon Musk, bombards European politicians and policies, especially Britain, morning and evening, and there is a deep hostility between the newcomers to the White House and between liberalism and the Western left in general. Therefore, support for European right-wing parties and agendas will be unconditional, and fanning the ideology of white supremacy will be the title of the stage, and fueling hate speech against people of color, race, and religion will open Western societies to endless possibilities of chaos and instability.
The owner of the Of course, there is a difference between the Middle East in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, and the established democratic regimes in Western Europe, but the issues of economics and immigration in particular tug at the hearts of European youth, who believe that their politicians squandered national gains for the sake of globalization and human rights, and that it is time for Europe to be great for its citizens. Eggs again. Elon Musk can widen the gap between the ruling elites in Europe and the youth who resent traditional politicians and aspire to fundamental changes based on the economy and the preservation of the white race and Christian identity. American-controlled social media networks are capable of disrupting the European collective mind, reshaping convictions and prioritization, sweeping away the stagnant political environment, fanning the sparks of extremist patriotism, racism and white supremacy, and thus producing new extremist parties and leaders supported by young mass bases.
I do not know whether President Trump’s term will be sufficient to collect what will be scattered in Europe and Canada, or whether it will shape the future, according to the extreme right-wing agenda, and thus establish a phenomenon that cannot be undone even with the return of the Democrats to power in the United States of America. Everyone will monitor the goals achieved, especially on the economic level, and will closely monitor the promises and threats announced by President Trump, and it will become clear after a not long time whether they are merely populist rhetoric divorced from implementation, or whether the change will be real and have its coordinates on the ground.