
“A long break from singing”… The disease forces an Egyptian singer to stop

The disease put a temporary end to the career of the Egyptian singer and artist Hala Rushdie, after medical examinations proved the need to stop the matter for a long time, until the disease was completely cured.

The Egyptian artist, who was recently known to the public through the songs she presented in a different way, and her appearance with her young child in a number of comedy videos, as well as her presence in some artworks.

She was forced to announce the details of her medical steps, as she confirmed that she was on a long break from singing, until complete recovery from God.

Pointing out that she suffers from bumps on the vocal cords, to send a message to her fans and fans who will watch her throughout the health crisis, as she asked them not to whisper when she speaks to them, because she hears well and the problem is only summarized in her voice when speaking.

And she assured her followers that the bullying she faces from her family and friends is enough for her, as they want to make her move while she puts a bell, so that they can reach her in case they lose her on the way.

Noting that she is suffering because of them, and she hopes that everyone will be sincere in praying for her, so that she will overcome this health crisis and return to take revenge on those who bully her from her family and friends.

She assured her followers and fans that she loved them and described them as “the secret of happiness”, which thousands of her followers and fans interacted with, and wished her a quick return.

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