
A star from the nineties.. The death of Egyptian singer Alaa Abdel Khalek

A major shock to the Egyptian artistic community, with the departure of singer Alaa Abdel Khaleq in the early hours of Tuesday morning at the age of 59, after a long struggle with illness.

A large number of the late singing stars in Egypt mourned him, most notably Hamid Al Shaeri, who commented on the departure of his friend, saying, “My heart hurt, Alaa.”

Last seen

And the late artist appeared a few months ago when he was celebrating his son’s wedding, and before that he was accompanied by his colleagues Hamid Al Shaeri, Mustafa Qamar, Mona Abdel Ghani and Hussam Hosni, as they were presenting many of their songs that the audience had associated with for many years.

The late began his career at the Institute of Arab Music, specializing in playing the flute instrument, after which he joined the Friends Band, accompanied by Mona Abdel-Ghani and Hanan, and they worked together under the leadership of the late Ammar Al-Sharie’i.

great artistic value

After that, Alaa Abdel Khaleq’s journey began with Hamid Al Shaeri, who helped him present his first lyrical album in the mid-eighties of the last century, after which the journey between them continued through many albums, which made the late one of the most important stars of the nineties of the last century, and one of his most famous albums. A paper plane”, “I will return to you”, “You will know me” and “Weyaki”.

In addition, the Syndicate of Musical Professions mourned the late, stressing that Egypt had lost a great artistic value.

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