
Seventeen-year-old turns himself in for fatal O’Shae Sibley stabbing at Brooklyn gas station, report says

A 17-year-old who police believe fatally stabbed a man dancing outside a gas station in Brooklyn has reportedly turned himself in to authorities.

The teenager is now in police custody, according to CNN.

Police believe the teen stabbed O’Shae Sibley, a man who was dancing and posing to a Beyonce song at a gas station with his friends on the day of the attack. A large group of men reportedly approached Mr Sibley and his friends and began hurling homophobic slurs at them.

The slurs and harassment eventually caused a confrontation, according to an NYPD spokesperson.

Otis Pena, a witness, told police one of the men stabbed his friend, Mr Sibley, in the torso.

He died in the hospital.

Police are investigating whether or not the fatal stabbing was a hate crime.

Mr Pena claimed the men who attacked them allegedly said they were Muslims.

“They hated us cause we are gay!” Mr Pena, said in a Facebook post. “[They were] screaming we Muslim and we don’t like gays!!!!! As we are innocently pumping gas and ya’ll decided to stab on one of us!!!”

The friends were reportedly driving home after a beach day celebrating Mr Pena’s birthday when they stopped for gas.

Mr Sibley was a professional dancer. His work appeared in music videos and was featured at New York City’s Lincoln Centre for the Peforming Arts.

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