Trump: Chaos or Ready America?

Dr. Abdullah bin Musa Al Tayer
Since the elections of November 3, 1992, which President Clinton won over President Bush Sr., I have been following American affairs, and I was shocked by the 2000 elections when Vice President Al Gore ran against President Bush Jr., who was returning to power to avenge his father, who was deprived of a second presidential term by Bill Clinton, despite Of his overwhelming popularity in the Arab Gulf countries! I was working in the United States of America at the time, and like the rest of the people, we waited for the electoral wedding that culminated in the last day of the elections, and nine o’clock in the evening came and no results, and midnight and no results, and the sun shone with the light of its Lord on November 4 and no results. It took several weeks until the results were announced. In favor of Bush Jr. by 271 votes, compared to 268 votes for Al Gore.
There is a similarity between the 2000 elections and the 2024 elections, as the Democratic candidate is a current vice president, and the Republican candidate is a former president avenging himself for being deprived of a second term at the hands of President Biden. If the results of 2000 AD will apply to the results of 2024 AD, then former President Trump will return to power, but with a small difference that we will not know on the night of the announcement of the results, as it will take time to announce the winner of the White House, and it will be a difficult waiting period for the Americans.
As of writing this article, opinion polls indicate that Kamala Harris has a slight lead at the national level, but I and others do not count on it, as Hillary Clinton gained an advantage by a large margin in 2016, but she did not win the presidency. According to the 538 website, which specializes in American elections, Harris stands on solid ground by securing 191 votes out of 270, and it is possible that 35 others will vote for her. On the other hand, Trump secured 131 votes, has 88 potential votes, and is favored by 43 votes. Potential votes often vote for their recipient, while those that tend to fluctuate until the last election day, and this is what makes the decisive states the final say.
Aside from opinion polls, a good number of prominent and skilled analysts and businessmen expect that Trump will be the 47th President of the United States of America. The British newspaper The Telegraph describes the confusion by saying, “At a time when our experts are presenting their final predictions, the race to the White House stands on the brink of “The Presidency is so difficult to predict that it’s almost depressing, with polls showing little or no lead either way,” she adds. “Ultimately, it will all come down to Election Day.” However, in its analysis, its experts’ expectations have swayed slightly towards Donald Trump, even if this is not based on objective data, but rather in keeping with instinctive feelings.
Historian Alan Lichtman, called by some the Nostradamus of the American presidential elections, accurately predicted the results of nine of the last ten presidential elections, and believes that Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump, but he is more worried this time than ever before. “I have been doing this for 42 years and every four… “For years I felt butterflies in my stomach, this year I feel a flock of crows.” Lichtman is not stressed by the close opinion polls between the candidates in the key swing states. He has his own system on which he bases his predictions for the winner of the White House. He still believes that Harris will become the next president of America, but he is concerned about the fragility of democracy.
Exceptionally, Americans are not anticipating the Democratic wedding celebrations tomorrow evening. Rather, about half of them are anxious about what will come after the results are announced. There is a real fear based on premises that began in January four years ago, and its echoes reverberate on social media networks when each party threatens: Our candidate for the White House. Or chaos. However, I believe, like others, that America is fully prepared to deal with any upcoming chaos and will not be taken by surprise, as happened on January 6, 2021 AD.