
Nikki Haley trying to avoid being crushed in Michigan primary ahead of Super Tuesday: Live

Nikki Haley to stay in GOP presidential race despite South Carolina loss

Republican challenger Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s last remaining rival for their party’s presidential nomination, has lost the support of Americans for Prosperity Action (AFP Action), the political wing of the conservative donor network led by billionaire Charles Koch, which announced it would no longer be supporting her campaign after her defeat in the South Carolina GOP primary on Saturday.

AFP senior adviser Emily Seidel reacted in a memo on Sunday: “With the South Carolina presidential primary this weekend and the Senate engagement really heating up, it’s time to take stock of where we are and – as we always do – make sure we’re optimising our resources for maximum impact towards our goals.”

Mr Trump particularly relished the news, writing on Truth Social that “Charles Koch and his group got played for suckers right from the beginning” and demoting Ms Haley from “Birdbrain” to “Braindead”.

Elsewhere, Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic governors of California and Michigan, were among those talking up President Joe Biden’s record in the White House over the weekend and warning voters of the dangers of a second presidency for Mr Trump.


ICYMI: Air Force member dies after setting himself on fire to protest US ‘complicity’ in Gaza genocide

A 25-year-old active US Air Force service member filmed himself and live-streamed it onto the social media platform Twitch on Sunday announcing that he no longer wanted to be “complicit in genocide” in Gaza.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 09:00


CPAC continues to deny a neo-Nazi presence at CPAC. One reporter has the receipts

A major Republican conference continues to deny that neo-Nazis were allowed to “mingle openly” at the event, with CPAC chair Matt Schlapp smearing NBC News’s reporting as “false, misleading, and grossly manipulative.”

CPAC’s comments on X were hit by a “community note” pointing to the outlet’s credible reporting on the issue.

Report Ben Goggin notes that despite CPAC’s responses, there was “a notable” neo-Nazi “presence at the conference whether CPAC was aware of it or not.”

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 08:00


Biden’s alleged anti-asylum plan revives failed Trump-era policy and violates international law, critics warn

President Joe Biden’s reported plan to restrict the right to claim asylum at the US-Mexico border has alarmed members of Congress and civil and humanitarian rights groups who fear the administration could be in breach of international law.

The president is reportedly mulling executive action to block people who cross the southern border without legal permission from claiming asylum once inside the US, upending guarantees that protect asylum rights for people on US soil.

Such a proposal, which would bypass Congress, would mirror an illegal Trump-era measure that a federal judge had previously rejected as an unlawful attempt to “rewrite” the nation’s immigration laws.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 07:00


Top US health official to visit Alabama after IVF ruling

President Joe Biden’s administration is dispatching the nation’s top health official to Alabama for discussions with patients and doctors about after a state supreme court ruling upended in vitro fertilization treatment in the state.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 06:00


A trans teenager died after being attacked in Oklahoma. Days later, CPAC was dominated by anti-trans rhetoric

An avalanche of anti-trans remarks and policy proposals drew little attention outside the poorly attended convention hall at this year’s CPAC, but underscored the ubiquity of anti-trans rhetoric that is threading nearly every single event at the conference and throughout Republican politics.

As LGBT+ communities and families across the nation are reeling from the death of a bullied gender-fluid 16-year-old in Oklahoma, CPAC’s attendees – including close allies of Donald Trump and activist influencers dedicated to ending affirming healthcare – repeatedly misgendered and ridiculed trans people, all while invoking Christianity and Biblical passages.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 05:00


Scott Perry wants Republicans to disinvite Biden from next week’s state of the union

Republican US Rep Scott Perrry argued on Fox Busiess on Monday that a state of the union address from President Joe Biden next week would be better spent talking about Donald Trump.

“There’s no reason that we need to invite him to get more propaganda,” he said.

He said the time would be “better spent” reminding Americans that Biden reversed Trump’s draconian anti-immigrant agenda.

Congress is facing – for the fourth time in as many months – a partial government shutdown after the GOP-controlled House has failed to act.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 04:00


Far-right influencer calls for ‘end of democracy’ at CPAC as Republicans downplay January 6

Jack Posobiec was among guests at this year’s four-day right-wing conference, where Donald Trump, right-wing media personalities, members of Congress, state officials and the former president’s allies and surrogates are reviving familiar grievances and outlining attacks against political rivals heading into 2024 elections.

A familiar thread included Republicans and GOP officials trotting out January 6 conspiracy theories and downplaying the attack on the US Capitol to overturn 2020’s election results.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 03:00


Top US health official to visit Alabama after IVF ruling

President Joe Biden’s administration is dispatching the nation’s top health official to Alabama for discussions with patients and doctors about after a state supreme court ruling upended in vitro fertilization treatment in the state.

Associated Press27 February 2024 01:00


Republicans scramble after Alabama’s shock IVF ruling

Donald Trump is demanding Alabama lawmakers “act quickly to find an immediate solution” to protect in vitro fertilization in the wake of a shock state supreme court ruling that forced hospital systems and IVF clinics to halt treatments, while throwing doctors and families into legal chaos.

But at CPAC and elsewhere, conservatives were struggling for a cohesive response, while Republican members of Congress scrambled to make clear that they “clearly” support IVF.

Alex Woodward27 February 2024 00:00


GOP congressman: Shutting down the government ‘is not the worst thing’ if it means getting a shot at Democrats

Republican US Rep Bob Good said congressional Republicans should not be “joining hands” with Democratic colleagues “just to show that we can govern.”

Asked on Fox Business on Monday whether that should come at the expense of a partial government shutdown, which Congress is facing once again with a key funding deadline approaching, Good said it wouldn’t be the worst thing.

It’s the fourth time in as many months that Congress is facing a shutdown after failing to act.

Alex Woodward26 February 2024 23:45

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