Trump fans were confronted with US citizenship test by Jimmy Kimmel. Here’s what happened

Jimmy Kimmel put MAGA fans to the test to try and find out how much they know about the Constitution and see “just how patriotic these patriots are.”
Kimmel’s crew took a trip over to a Donald Trump rally in South Carolina to quiz some of his supporters with questions you would find on a US citizenship test.
“The fact of the matter is the people who support Trump and the MAGA agenda are under the impression that America was founded on the idea of excluding those who do not share your beliefs,” Kimmel said on his Monday night show. “Which is the opposite of the truth.”
“Our forefathers started this country with the words ‘we the people,’ so we went to to the people to find out just how patriotic these patriots are.”
Some of the MAGA fans there said they could pass the citizenship test, with one man declaring that he would pass it “easily.”
And so the test began, with Kimmel curious to see what happens “when the citizenship hits the fan.”
Question One: “What is the supreme law of the land?”
Off the bat, four men were left speechless at this question, but one piped up and responded, “Guns, liberty, and justice?”
Others said they had no idea, and one man said in a fluster, “good question, well, I couldn’t answer that one right now.”
The answer is in fact: The Constitution.
Question Two: “How many amendments does the Constitution have?”
Guesses included 32 all the way down to 10, but one came close to the correct answer of 27 by saying “twenty-something.”
However, she changed her mind to “maybe 13, I’m not real sure on that.”
Question Three: What are the first three words of the Constitution?
One person immediately responded, “In God We Trust,” but the presenter had to explain, “OK, so that’s four [words].”
One MAGA supporter did answer correctly, saying “We the people,” but was instantly exposed by the host who overheard a passerby give him the answer.
“You cheated,” the presenter said, ” you cheated like Joe Biden.” The latter statement received some energetic hype.
After a shaky finish to the citizenship questions, the only appropriate ending would be for the Kimmel crew to squeeze in one more piece of American trivia: by getting MAGA fans to sing a rendition of the United States national anthem.
Two men adorned in Trump hats sang the national anthem, getting it almost right until they fumbled it at the end.
“So close, you guys,” the presenter said.