The planes have arrived…and the dream continues – Tweet Ibrahim Al-Tasan

Tweet by Ibrahim Al-Tasan
When the first plane arrived in Riyadh for the first time in the history of the Kingdom in approximately 1945, it was an unforgettable historical event. It astonished everyone and attracted attention to the sky, which was decorated with the sounds of giant engines. People’s reaction to this event was great and full of pride, as this moment marked the beginning of a new era of progress and modernity. The arrival of the planes was more than just the arrival of new technology, but rather a symbol of the dream of the Saudi people and their ability to achieve the impossible.
When planes fly in the skies of Riyadh today, we do not see them only as a means of transportation or a tool for travel, but rather we see in them an image of our constant ambition forward. Seeing the planes reminds us of the story of the Kingdom’s development, starting from the day the first plane arrived, until the National Day in which we celebrate our successive achievements. Every time we watch a plane fly, we recall our story as a nation that began to achieve dreams that seemed unattainable to some.
In an exceptional scene, with the National Day celebrations approaching, Saudi cities witnessed the arrival of planes that took off from Jeddah by land, passing through a number of cities and arriving in Riyadh. This road trip was full of interaction and enthusiasm, as citizens and residents along the way interacted with this distinguished event that embodied the Saudi dream and the spirit of patriotism.
The planes, while out of service in the sky, were eye-catching as they walked on the ground, reflecting the spirit of celebrating National Day: We Dream and Achieve.
The planes passed several stops, where people gathered along the way and in the cities they passed through to take pictures and participate in this wonderful event. Children and adults alike were eagerly awaiting the passage of these planes, as they symbolize the great development and transformation that the Kingdom has witnessed in the fields of entertainment, tourism and social development.
These planes are not just passing entertainment, but rather a symbol of the great change that the Kingdom is witnessing, and the transformation we are experiencing towards a future full of innovation and opportunities. The Kingdom has become a destination for entertainment and tourism, and is keen to provide everything new and distinctive to its children and visitors, and this is what was embodied by these aircraft, which brought with them joy and positive interaction from all age groups.
What made these aircraft special was the way they expressed the dream of the Saudi people. We are a people who dream and work to achieve our dreams with all seriousness and determination. Those planes that crossed the desert and cities were telling the story of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a nation that always dreams of greater things and strives to achieve them.
From one city to another, the planes carried with them a message of pride and honor, reminding everyone that Saudi Arabia today, with all its transformations and its lightning-fast advance towards the forefront of global excellence, is the same strong, lofty and generous Saudi Arabia of yesterday, the same country with values and principles, glory and ambition, but dressed in the garb of renewal. To keep pace with the changes of time and soar towards new horizons.
This event was closely linked to National Day, as every time the planes passed through a city or village, people would remember the meanings of patriotism and pride in the homeland. National Day is not just a day in which we celebrate past achievements, but rather an occasion in which we affirm that the dream continues, and that the future is bright in our hands, with God’s help. Therefore, seeing retired aircraft walking majestically and majestically in the middle of the desert and inside villages and cities was a source of joy for people, stimulating the memory archive to powerfully recall national unity and the great achievements that we achieved together.
In Riyadh, the grand finale of this distinguished event was held, as the capital received the planes amid a huge festive atmosphere. Citizens flocked to the designated places to see these planes up close, and the enthusiasm was evident in everyone’s eyes. Children dreamed of riding it one day, while adults recalled childhood memories when such events were rare in the Kingdom.
With this event, we linked the past and the present, and between dream and reality. The recreational planes that took off from Jeddah, passing through the cities and arriving in Riyadh, are not just a means of entertainment, but rather a strong message to every Saudi citizen: We are a people who dream and strive to achieve our dreams, and our nation continues to fly towards a better future. On every National Day, we remember that the achievements we see today were once just dreams, and today, we are living them as a reality thanks to God’s blessings and then the vision of the leadership and the will of the people.
May God restore our national day for centuries and centuries, and we are doing well in this beloved country, under the shadow of the precious leadership, and among a united, loving people, and with cohesive national cohesion.