About algorithms – Manal Al-Hussaini

Manal Al-Hussaini
I am not one of those who believe in coincidences, and I believe that everything that takes place around us in terms of events and situations is a herald, a warning, or perhaps directed at us. Since the quality of imperfection is a common denominator among us as human beings, we experience purely psychological mood swings depending on the type of events we are experiencing.
The human soul is variable depending on the increase or decrease in faith, between being reassured and indicating evil or blaming it. Which causes a kind of emotional disturbance when you experience one of the types of psyche at that time.
It is an accepted axiom that the Seal of the Prophets is the Messenger Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him – but has any of us wondered what the difference is between the minds of humanity in that time period and what we are now?
The answer lies in the fact that the messengers came with supernatural miracles to convince humanity of God’s power, regardless of who believed in them or disbelieved. In the end, it remains a miracle that overcame the ability of humans at that past period of time, beyond their knowledge.
Therefore, it has remained firmly established over the years in the minds because it cannot be denied. As for what we are now, miracles are expanding through God’s power. What was impossible for humans yesterday has become possible now.
We have come to see the Creator’s power through science and the development of its means, to the point that we now see it as the eye’s opinion, so there is no room for denial, procrastination, or perhaps skepticism.
In our current time, I am almost certain that we are facing algorithms through search engines, but rather we are facing a strict message that will awaken the soul if it is completely swayed.
I do not see it as a coincidence that directs us or guides us to what we are looking for, as it is one of the miracles of our current era that gives each one of us according to his needs and perceptions.
The strange thing is that perhaps one of us was going through a situation and God would bring us an inspired answer through algorithms. So, did the algorithms come about by chance?!