Algeria withdraws French bread from its tables in response to Macron policy

Algeria decided to punish France by boycotting its bread, after it had previously used the wheat weapon against Paris to warn French President Emmanuel Macron for questioning the existence of an Algerian nation before French colonialism.
Algeria excluded France from a tender to import wheat, and demanded that companies not receive offers that include wheat of French origin, in a move that appears to be the result of growing diplomatic tensions between Algeria and Paris.
The background to the crisis this time is due to Algeria’s anger at France, after it decided last July to support Morocco’s plan for autonomy in Western Sahara.
According to the presenter of the “Above Power” program, Nazih Al-Ahdab, it is as if Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, through this step, is saying to his French counterpart Macron, “If you continue to play with us, we will not eat baguettes (bread) from your wheat.”
It is noteworthy that 3 years ago, Algeria excluded French companies from huge wheat tenders in Algeria, which sparked widespread controversy at the time. The decision came against the backdrop of a major crisis between the two countries.
10/18/2024–|Last updated: 10/18/202407:55 PM (Mecca time)