To recharge your energy .. 5 things you never do after work Lifestyle

In today’s rapid world, where work has become a distance and continuous communication via smartphones and e -mail is part of the daily routine, it has become difficult to finish the work as soon as the official working hours end. The borders between professional and personal life faded, which increased the importance of searching for effective methods that help us to leave work pressure behind us and achieve a healthy balance between work and life.
Experts confirm that the key to achieving this balance lies in benefiting from free time after work to recharge energy and enhance productivity the next day. In her interview with Half Post, Sophie Morter, Sophie Morter, explained: “The administration of free time is intelligent that allows the mind to relax, which is positively reflected in the functional performance.”
On the other hand, Laklan Brown, an expert in mental vigilance and personal development, indicates that successful people are aware of the value of their time outside the work, so they do not waste them in useless activities. Therefore, specialists are advised to avoid these five mistakes to ensure the exploitation of some time after work in the best possible way:
Doing more work
“The worst thing to do after a busy day is more work,” says Heather Lamb, author and luxury expert at the workplace. Research has shown that “those who continue to work to complete the tasks after working hours; they feel pressure around the clock, and they are more likely to be tired and lack of job satisfaction.”
This is confirmed by Billy Roberts, a specialist in hyperactivity disorder and attention disorder, by saying, “It is necessary to give your mind some time for rest.” “.
So, instead of working until bedtime, Lamb suggests that you occupy yourself with low tension activities, such as walking or reading a book, “to help filter the mind and relax, and be able to recharge the energy needed to return to work the next day.”
Follow work notifications at home
The American National Sleep Corporation recommends that you avoid updating work notifications continuously after returning home until night hours; Once you see the email notifications received from your colleagues, “your mind can keep alert, even and you have not read it.”
“Following the work notifications after returning home remains in a permanent mental state that exerts our brains in searching for solutions to problems,” Sophie Mort says. Explaining that this time may lead to “drain your productivity and energy levels, and in some cases, it leads to fatigue and combustion.”
It is advised to stop running any notifications when leaving the workplace, and leaving the work phone and a laptop in another room; Stressing that these steps help our minds completely separate from work, which reduces fatigue and maintains our energy, and allows us to be more active and productive. “
The truth, then, is that “a lot of work calls and email messages are not really urgent”, so, when the time for rest, turns off your phone, to draw a separate line between your career and personal life, “and” rest correctly without dispersion “; The relationship expert, Tina Fai.
William Miller, the Swedish expert in IT technology; It is recommended to determine your work hours clearly, and inform your colleagues, bosses and customers in it, because this will help you “maintain resistance to the temptation to verify the working emails, or receive work related calls during your spare time.”
The absence of activities between work and personal time
Research indicates that work and personal life have become intertwined, “to the point of feeling the loss of concentration and the lack of motivation.” The lines separating work and personal time have become unclear for many people, especially among those who are experiencing work from home.
According to Miller, “Creating Transitional rituals”, such as going on a short picnic, meditation, or listening to your favorite music; It is one of the ways to separate the mental work from your personal life, “as it gives a signal to your brain that you are moving from the workplace to personal time.”
This is confirmed by Sophie Mort, saying: The absence of a “transmission sign” tells your brain that you have finished work for this day, “your brain can keep stuck in the work situation after working hours.”
That is why you recommend practicing an activity – whatever it was simple – immediately after completing the work, to indicate that you have moved to your personal time, such as changing your clothes, or even washing your face with water; And continue to do this every day, “until your brain links this activity to the end of the working day.”
Evening allocate for other arduous tasks
Instead of accumulating a large number of tasks to do after work, such as washing accumulated clothes, and shopping for groceries, Billy Roberts recommends distributing home tasks over several days; He explained that “the accumulation of all things at one time, causes huge piles of tasks that end with discouraging our resolve throughout the day.” Just thinking that there are stressful personal tasks that await you to do after work, “he weighs your shoulders throughout the day and drains your energy.”

Therefore, Roberts recommends to ensure that the tasks required to be completed after work are implemented without further exhaustion, and if they are inevitable tasks, some time can be allocated to rest or do enjoyable activities during their implementation; Stressing that it is possible to deal with the exhausting tasks “when we integrate them into more enjoyable activities.”
Neglecting the sleep routine
“Getting a good sleep at night is very necessary for your productivity, performance, memory, creativity, and levels of your energy,” says Sophie Mort, if there is one thing you can learn from all of this. On the other hand, the neglect of the sleep routine, “may end you with feeling tired and excited the next day.”
Mort recommends preparing yourself for a nice nap after getting out of work, and avoiding drinking caffeine drinks 6 to 8 hours before bed.
Miller also recommends engaging in activities that help you relax and recharge your energy, spending a good time with family and friends, or enjoying a hobby before going to bed in a reasonable time. “Sleep guarantees about 7 hours every night”, and wake up and you feel charging and preparing to start. According to the recommendations of the American control centers for diseases and their prevention “CDC”.