
Trump tells Biden ‘you’re fired’ in rambling South Carolina victory speech: Live

Trump tells Joe Biden ‘You’re fired’ as he wins South Carolina Republican primary

In a rambling victory speech, Donald Trump told Joe Biden “You’re fired” after the former president defeated Nikki Haley in the South Carolina GOP primary.

The former president claimed his fourth straight primary win on Saturday night (24 February).

“We’re going to be up here on 5 November, and we’re going to look at Joe Biden,” Mr Trump said as the crown loudly cheered him.

“He’s destroying our country and we’re gonna say ‘Joe, you’re fired. Get out. Get out, Joe. You’re fired.’”

Earlier in the day, Mr Trump compared himself to Al Capone and said migrants were like Hannibal Lecter claiming they are coming from “insane asylums” during his almost 90-minute meandering and ominous speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.

The former president was speaking about his anti-Biden messaging efforts on Saturday, saying that “migrant crime” is a “new category of crime”.

He also boasted about how he hadn’t stepped down in the face of several indictments and felony charges when other indicted politicians would have.


Trump agrees with Putin that Biden should be president

Donald Trump appeared to say that Joe Biden should be president during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2024. Mr Trump repeated claims that he had a good personal relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, saying they “got along well” during his term as president. “He did announce the other day that he’d much rather see Biden as president, and I agree with him” said Trump. It is not clear whether he misspoke, as he went on to make his usual attacks on Joe Biden calling him ‘Crooked Joe’ and accusing the president of being mentally impaired, during the speech on 24 February 2024.

Oliver O’Connell26 February 2024 08:45


ICYMI: Trump in good spirits ahead of CPAC speech

Oliver O’Connell26 February 2024 07:45


Donald Trump calls wife Melania ‘Mercedes’ in CPAC speech

Former president Donald Trump called Melania ‘Mercedes’ as he praised his wife during a speech in Washington DC. The crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gave the former First Lady a standing ovation as Mr Trump described how “people love her”. “Oh look at that Mercedes, that’s pretty good” he said as the audience stood and applauded. The GOP presidential hopeful was making the keynote speech on 24 February on the same day as voters head to the polls in the South Carolina primary.

Oliver O’Connell26 February 2024 05:45


‘Conservatives and people of faith’ will be ‘hunted’ under second Biden term, Trump claims

Gustaf Kilander reports from Washington, DC:

Oliver O’Connell26 February 2024 03:45


An RNC member is trying to stop the party from paying Trump’s legal bills

At least one member of the Republican National Committee is working to slow Donald Trump‘s attempted takeover of the organization by pushing to keep the committee neutral until Trump is officially the presidential nominee and avoid picking up his legal bills.

Two draft resolutions are being circulated by Henry Barbour, a national committeeman from Mississippi, for consideration at the RNC‘s upcoming March meeting in Houston. Barbour said support for the resolutions among RNC members is growing but he does not yet have the needed cosponsors, and any resolutions would ultimately be nonbinding.

The effort comes after Trump last week publicly called to replace the RNC’s current leaders and install one of his senior campaign advisors and his daughter-in-law Lara Trump in top roles. Lara Trump suggested earlier in the week that GOP voters would support the committee paying her father-in-law’s legal bills as he faces a raft of criminal and civil indictments.


Trump claims he is ‘proud political dissident’

Donald Trump claimed he is a “proud political dissident” in his CPAC speech just days after he compared himself to Russian leader Alexei Navalny, who recently died in a Siberian prison under unclear circumstances.

Mr Trump said in National Harbor, Maryland on Saturday that “Joe [Biden] and his henchmen have you trapped and it’s an express train barreling toward servitude and to ruin – it’s moving at a speed that Joe doesn’t understand because Joe … I don’t think he knows what the hell’s going on, to be honest with you, but he’s surrounded by some very bad fascists”.

“A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom. It’s your passport out of tyranny,” he argued. “And it’s your only escape from Joe Biden and his gang’s fast track to hell. And in many ways, we’re living in hell right now.”

Oliver O’Connell26 February 2024 00:45


Trump slammed for ‘unbelievably racist’ claim about his mug shot

Donald Trump claimed Black voters like him because of his many indictments and mug shot during a speech at the Black Conservative Foundation gala on Friday evening.

Katie Hawkinson has the story:

Oliver O’Connell25 February 2024 23:45


Trump ‘will rip up every agreement that doesn’t have his name on it’, warns Fiona Hill

The continued presence of Donald Trump on the US political scene has longtime allies concerned over whether the US can be a reliable security partner, former National Intelligence Officer and Trump administration National Security Council official Fiona Hill has said.

Speaking at the Principles First summit, a gathering of anti-Trump and pro-democracy conservatives in Washington, Ms Hill was asked to opine on how Mr Trump would have reacted to the killing of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny on his watch.

She told attendees the twice-impeached, disgraced ex-president, whose performance during a 2018 Helsinki press conference alongside Russian leader Vladimir Putin was so bad that she considered pulling a fire alarm to end it, might actually have reacted negatively to Navalny’s death if he thought it made him look bad.

“It’s really about how it reflects on him,” she said.

Oliver O’Connell25 February 2024 22:45


Who should be Trump’s running mate? CPAC gives us a clue…

The former president has yet to officially lock up the party’s nomination but is widely considered to be on the verge of doing so following this weekend’s win in the South Carolina primary, and very favourable polling ahead of Tuesday’s contest in Michigan.

Oliver O’Connell25 February 2024 21:45


Watch: SNL rips Trump sneakers with ‘White Men Can Trump’ sketch

Oliver O’Connell25 February 2024 21:15

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