

We will publish the names of those involved in Sudan war crimes

Today, Saturday, the International Criminal Prosecutor revealed that Current war crimes in Sudan committed throughout the country, vowing to publish…

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The International Criminal Court is investigating “war crimes” in the fighting in Sudan

The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced Thursday evening the opening of a new investigation into war crimes in…

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The Sudan conflict enters its third month… international condemnations and warnings of “crimes against humanity”

As the armed conflict in Sudan enters its third month, as the conflict sparked on April 15, it is widely…

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Incomprehensible crimes before cremation… A scandal rocks Harvard University

The US judiciary announced on Wednesday that the director of the morgue of the prestigious Harvard Medical School was arrested…

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Saudi news

Saudi Arabia.. Establishing independent prosecutions for financial fraud crimes

The Saudi Attorney General, Chairman of the Public Prosecution Council, Sheikh Saud Al-Moajib, approved the establishment of specialized prosecutions under…

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