
The view within NATO of the Ukraine war is changing significantly

Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Salaj Poprovniki confirmed that the mood on the conflict in Ukraine is changing significantly among NATO…

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Russia accuses NATO of sponsoring “nuclear terrorism” of Ukraine

Today, Friday, Russia accused the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of sponsoring what it called “nuclear terrorism” practiced by Ukraine.…

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Moscow and NATO are on the brink of war

In an unprecedented escalation, the deputy head of the Russian Security Council stated Dmitry Medvedevthat NATO and Russia are now…

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Ukraine is now closer to NATO than ever before

on the sidelines of the summit NATO In Vilnius, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed Wednesday that Ukraine is now…

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Kiev joining NATO during the conflict means war with Russia

The Director of the Press Office at the US State Department, Matthew Miller, said: Ukraine’s accession to NATO During the…

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Kiev is unlikely to get NATO membership soon

White House national security spokesman John Kirby stressed that it is unlikely that Ukraine will gain membership in NATO in…

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We will take proactive action in response to NATO expansion

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov threatened today, Tuesday, to take “appropriate and proactive” measures in response to the possibility of…

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NATO meets in Lithuania.. Complex files for discussion

Healed today in the capital of Lithuania, Summit of the Atlantic Alliance Which centered on the accession of Sweden and…

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Washington and Berlin reject Erdogan’s condition to accept Sweden’s accession to NATO

A high-ranking US official confirmed, on Monday, that the United States supports Turkey’s aspiration to join the European Union, but…

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A new and surprising condition for Erdogan to agree to Sweden’s accession to NATO

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that “his country will support Sweden’s request to join NATO if the European Union…

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