Saudi news

Morocco and Saudi Arabia sign the minutes of exchange of documents ratifying two transport agreements

Saudi Arabia and Morocco signed the minutes of exchange of original documents ratifying the agreement regulating land transport operations on roads, passengers and goods, and an agreement for cooperation in the field of maritime transport between the governments of the two countries.

The signing of the two agreements falls within the framework of developing the distinguished bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries, and giving them a new dimension in the land and sea transport sector, according to what was reported by the Saudi Press Agency, “SPA”.

Last November, Saudi Arabia and Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of encouraging and developing cooperation in the field of tourism and coordinating efforts to achieve sustainable development of the tourism industry in both countries.

Saudi Arabia is currently one of Morocco’s largest trading partners in the Arab world, and in 2020 it pumped $26.6 million in the form of investments in the real estate, tourism and agricultural sectors in Morocco. The memorandum of understanding would provide more tourism investment opportunities in both countries and allow training sessions and exchange of experiences. .

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