The “Saudi Summit” recommends distributing 12 riyals per share for 2022

The Saudi Summit Trading Company announced the recommendation of the company’s board of directors to distribute cash dividends to shareholders other than the shareholder Abdullah Muhammad Al-Ajmi, who waived his profits for the year 2022 AD, with a total of 14.4 million riyals for the number of shares entitled to profits, 1.2 million shares.
And the “Saudi Summit” said, in a statement on “Tadawul Saudi Arabia”, today, Monday, that the share share from the distribution amounts to 12 riyals, with a distribution ratio to the nominal share value of 120%.
The eligibility date for the shareholders who own shares is at the end of trading on the day of the company’s general assembly, which will be determined later, and who are registered in the company’s shareholder register at the Depository Center at the end of the second trading day following the date of the assembly. The distribution date will be announced later.
The shares of the “Saudi Summit Trading” company began trading in Nomu – the parallel market, on December 22, after the completion of the offering process for 880 thousand ordinary shares, representing 22% of the total shares of the company amounting to 4 million shares, as qualified investors subscribed to the entire offered shares. The coverage rate was 102.8%.
“Wathiq Finance” said that the offer price amounted to 133 riyals per share.