Starting the public transport project next March

The CEO of the Royal Commission for the City of Riyadh, Fahd Al-Rasheed, said that the public transport project in the city of Riyadh is a “tremendous” project in the world, and despite being affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and being slightly delayed, the “bus” lines will be opened next March, to be followed by the various lines.
Fahd Al-Rasheed added, in an interview with Al-Arabiya, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum 2023 in the Swiss city of Davos, that “we are looking at the expansion of lines with the population growth in the city of Riyadh.”
He explained that the strategy for the city of Riyadh will be announced in 2023, after it took time for its depth and the many projects in it, and after announcing the strategy, the means of transportation that will be in the city will be announced.
Al-Rasheed indicated that the details of the strategy will be finalized soon, and announced after obtaining the necessary approvals.