
Iran-Israel attack latest: Tehran to be hit with new sanctions as Cameron lands for Netanyahu meeting

Iran-Israel attack latest: Tehran to be hit with new sanctions as Cameron lands for Netanyahu meeting

Israel Defense Forces releases statement amidst Iranian attack

The United States will hit Iran with new sanctions in a matter of days in response to Tehran’s unprecedented direct attack on Israel, Washington has warned.

US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen said the measures would aim to reduce Tehran’s capacity to export oil and ability to finance its terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East.

“With respect to sanctions, I fully expect that we will take additional sanctions action against Iran in the coming days,” Ms Yellen said. “We don’t preview our sanctions tools. But in discussions I’ve had, all options to disrupt terrorist financing of Iran continue to be on the table,” she added.

Britain’s foreign seretary David Cameron landed in Israel on Wednesday for talks with Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli figures, as the premier’s war cabinet was set to meet for the third time in three days to consider its response to Iran’s attack.

Iran launched the attack in retaliation for an airstrike on its embassy compound in Damascus on 1 April attributed to Israel, but signalled that it did not seek further escalation.


‘Clear’ Israel has decided to retaliate to Iran attack, says David Cameron

British foreign minister David Cameron has said it is clear Israel has decided to respond to the Iranian drone and ballistic missile attack – and urged this to be carried out in a way that minimises escalation.

“It’s clear the Israelis are making a decision to act,” Lord Cameron told reporters after landing in Israel for talks with Benjamin Netanyahu. “We hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible and in a way that, as I said yesterday, is smart as well as tough.

“But the real need is to refocus back on Hamas, back on the hostages, back on getting the aid in, back on getting a pause in the conflict in Gaza.”

Britain wants to see coordinated sanctions against Iran, he said, adding: “They need to be given a clear unequivocal message by the G7.”

Andy Gregory17 April 2024 09:05


IDF releases video claiming to show ballistic missile with 400kg of explosives fired by Iran

IDF releases video claiming to show ballistic missile with 400kg of explosives fired by Iran

Andy Gregory17 April 2024 08:54


Italy urges Gaza ceasefire ahead of G7 meeting

Italy’s foreign minister has urged Israel to halt its military operations in Gaza, reiterating that it is time for a ceasefire.

Italy initially backed Israel’s actions in the wake of Hamas’s attack on its southern territories on 7 October, but has since softened its support in the light of the thousands of civilian deaths.

In an interview with La Stampa newspaper, Antonio Tajani stressed that the war in Gaza was triggered by the Hamas’s “barbaric” assault, but added: “However, now a cease-fire is necessary. Israel must stop the military operations that have massively affected the Palestinian population.”

The interview was conducted ahead of a meeting of G7 foreign ministers, which will be hosted by Tajani on the Italian island of Capri. Italy holds the rotating presidency of the G7.

Andy Gregory17 April 2024 08:39


David Cameron lands in Israel for talks with Netanyahu

Lord David Cameron has arrived in Israel for talks with Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior figures following Iran’s attack.

Britain’s foreign secretary is expected to discuss their response to the drone and missile barrage launched by Tehran on Saturday night, having urged restraint, with Rishi Sunak delivering that message to Mr Netanyahu in a phone call on Tuesday, saying this was “a moment for calm heads to prevail”.

Lord Cameron has also urged Tel Aviv to be “smart as well as tough” by not escalating the conflict with Iran, and has recently spoken with his counterparts in Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates as part of efforts to reduce tensions in the region.

He is also expected to discuss the humanitarian situation in Gaza during his trip, and visit the West Bank.

The UK joined allies in defending Israel when Iran launched about 350 drones and missiles at Israel on Saturday, with British jets shooting down a number of drones.

Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron has urged Israel to show restraint (Isabel Infantes/PA)

Andy Gregory17 April 2024 08:24


Conflict in Middle East risks another food and energy price surge

Escalation of conflict in the Middle East risks pushing up food and energy prices across the world, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The IMF said the global economy has had an “eventful” journey in the years since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Namita Singh17 April 2024 08:00


Watch: Israel ‘might not be so lucky’ if Iran attack again, military analyst claims

Israel ‘might not be so lucky’ if Iran attack again, military analyst claims

Israel “might not be so lucky” if Iran launches another missile attack, a defence anayst has said. Mike Clarke, professor of defence studies, believes the Israeli’s were “lucky” after up to 50 per cent of Iran’s missiles did not launch properly during the attack in the early hours of Sunday (14 April). Professor Clarke said allies including Britain, the US and France, were also a huge help in intercepting missiles during the attack. He said: “The external world is saying to Israel you were lucky and you had our help. Don’t spoil it by being so aggressive. “You might not be so lucky next time.”

Namita Singh17 April 2024 07:40


Your view: What Israel must do next to retain the ‘iron-clad’ support of its Western allies

Prior to the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran did not appear to have any issues with Israel. But, on assuming power, supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini arbitrarily declared it to be an enemy and set about uniting the religious, political and military powers to his view, writers a reader in letter to our editor.

Namita Singh17 April 2024 07:20


Israel ‘might not be so lucky’ if Iran attack again, military analyst claims

Israel ‘might not be so lucky’ if Iran attack again, military analyst claims

Alexander Butler17 April 2024 07:00


Israel says it will retaliate against Iran. These are the risks that could pose to Israel

Israel is vowing to retaliate against Iran, risking further expanding the shadow war between the two foes into a direct conflict after an Iranian attack over the weekend sent hundreds of drones and missiles toward Israel.

Israeli officials have not said how or when they might strike. But as countries around the world urge Israel to show restraint and the threat of a multi-front war mounts, it’s clear that a direct Israeli attack on Iranian soil would lead to major fallout.

Iran says it carried out the strike to avenge an Israeli airstrike that killed two Iranian generals in Syria on 1 April. It has pledged a much tougher response to any Israeli counterattack attack on its soil.

Israel’s war cabinet has spent the last two days debating their next move. Here are some considerations key to their decision.

Namita Singh17 April 2024 06:43


Sunak warns Netanyahu against ‘further escalation’

Rishi Sunak warned Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu against “further significant escalation” in Tel Aviv’s response to Iran’s attack.

He tweeted: “Earlier today I spoke to Prime Minister netanyahu and reiterated our support for Israel’s security following Iran’s reckless attack at the weekend.

“Further significant escalation will only deepen instability in the region.

“This is a moment for calm heads to prevail (sic).”

Namita Singh17 April 2024 06:32

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