The brother of the missing person in America, Abdul Rahman Al-Anzi, announces his death

Bader Falah Al-Enezi announced the death of his young brother, Abdul Rahman Al-Enezi, who had been missing in Cleveland, in the United States, since dawn last Friday.
The deceased, Abd al-Rahman, was married and had children, and was a government employee. He left with his older brother Bandar for treatment in the United States about three months ago.
He went out on Thursday evening, January 27, with a relative to have dinner in a restaurant, and during their return, Abd al-Rahman stopped to go to the bathroom behind a lake and left all his personal belongings in the car, including the phone, then asked permission for several minutes; But he was late and then disappeared without a trace.
He was reported missing since dawn Friday at 2:30 in Cleveland, Ohio, before his brother announced his death today.