“Diaries of a spinster man” .. a Saudi comedy highlights men’s celibacy art

Many cinematic films and television series were humiliated by the stories of girls who were late for the marriage of their community, and the pressures imposed on them by family and peers, but the other half of society, that is, men, did not put them under this enlarged lens in the same way before. And that is what the makers of the series “Diaries of a Spinsit Man” bet, so can they present an idea before, in a different and different way, only by changing the gender of the main character?
The series “Diaries of a Spinsit Man” directed by Abdel Rahman Al -Salman, and the production of a writing workshop moderated by Nawaf Al -Muhanna, and is quoted by a novel entitled “The Diary of a Saudi Man,” by Walid Osama Khalil, starring Ibrahim Al -Hajjaj, Saeed Saleh, Fatima Al -Sharif, Hakim Jumaa, Nawaf Al -Shabili, and Faisal Al -Doukhi.
In search of a bride with a comic touch
Abdullah (Ibrahim Al -Hajjaj), the hero of “Diaries of a spinster man”, a Saudi young man who lives in a quiet, stable life, son of a good family, and his physical conditions are affordable, working in a job he loves, and he has close friends, but all these positive details mean nothing in light of being single.
The series begins at a wedding ceremony attended by Abdullah with his family, and it is clear from the first shot his mother’s obsession with marrying her only male son, which represents psychological pressure on her, makes her lose consciousness in the middle of the ceremony, so she is transferred to the hospital, and there the doctor reveals that the reason behind fainting is tension and anxiety, so Abdullah is forced to bow to her desire, and give her the green light to search for a bride for him.
The episodes follow after that, and each of them appears in which a new bride appears for Abdullah, but the marriage does not take place at the end of the episode when what corrupts it at the last minute before the sermon is held.
The comic paradoxes of the selection of brides, or the problems that occur and lead to the end of the relationship before they started are the interface from which the viewer gets closely recognized by the nature of the life of a normal Saudi young man, through the audio comment that represents the inner ideas of the hero, and his dialogues with his three friends: Issam, Fahd, and Majid.
Marriage to Abdullah, his friends and his family, not a long -term relationship is built on close character, and common goals, but rather a step within several steps in the life of every young man, after any young man finishes his university studies, then works in a job, he must settle in a married life, whatever the partner of this life.
The series also dismantles the form of the traditional Saudi family, from the balance of powers between the father and the mother, while the retired father wants calm and peace of mind, the mother moves the pods in the family, she is the one who cares about the marriage of the son, and gets angry with the indifference of the younger daughter, that daughter who represents the generation in the house, with the boredom of the problems of the older generations, while the older daughter is the mother of the mother, Nouf. And the second mother of Abdullah, and she long bore her marginalization in favor of the only male brother, and his beloved mother No. 1.
Contemporary comedy and multiple characters
The idea of the series “Diaries of a Spinsit Man” cannot be considered a new or new, but even the pattern he followed in presenting his idea, that is, allocating each episode to a new bride, not new, as it refers directly to the series “I want to marry” the shown in 2010 and directed by Rami Imam, who dealt with through his comic paradoxes that get the young woman (Hind Sabri) as a result of her meeting with a potential discourse that she needs her mother Marry her as quickly as possible.
The difference comes in the style of the comedy used in each of the two series, while he presented “I want to marry” a farce comedy or the (Farce), which deliberately sacrifices the spectators by amplifying the regular positions, the series “Diaries of a spinster” is classified as a light comedy, as it does not depend on the jokes or “fools” clear, but rather on the irony in general, whether from the traditional lifestyle, or The subjective irony of Abdullah towards himself and his friends, and this type of comedy is mainly based on dialogue and building the characters from which this dialogue is issued.
It begins with the quadruple of friends, or Abdullah, Issam, Fahd and Nawaf, despite being very close, they spend most of their time together, whether at work or outside, but there is a great contradiction between their personalities, making them the best representation of different styles of Saudi youth, between Abdullah the traditional man who is waiting for his mother to choose his wife, and Issam affected by the style of Western thinking, whether in his clothes and ideas He who married and divorced 4 times, and the nucleus of the mourning, who admired Fahd thinking in the way of Fahd, but he did not have any real experience, then he withdrew from the Abdullah family, and his colleague at the work Arwa, the girl is very ambitious and intelligent.
In addition to presenting the series different models of characters, and the sensitive scenario towards the differences between these characters, which makes each of them its own language, the series also relies on good acting performance from all actors, whether in the main roles or guests and guests of honor who appear in almost every episode.
“Diaries of a spinster man” is a light television experience between the crowds of pure comic series and complex drama, providing details of the daily life of an Arab family, in a nice comic form, and makes us take a look at the pressures that the late young people are exposed to marriage as a matter of change.