What does Google Keep mean… earning change the color and background with it

There are note-taking applications, where Apple owns its notes as well as Google, and it is known as Google Keep, which is a useful application for taking notes and setting reminders, among others.
What is Google Keep
Google Keep is a note-taking service.
And the interface of the application allows displaying messages stored in one area in one street and average columns, next we show how to add color and background to Google Keep.
How to change the look of your Google Keep on Android
1. Open the Keep app on your Android phone
2. Click on the three lines in the upper corner
3. When the menu opens, click on the option Settings
4. Click on the topic and select your option from “Light and Dark”.
How to change the background color of Google Keep on Android
1. Go to Google Keep
2. Click on any saved note
3.Click the three dots on the right side of the screen
4. Select the color from and it will be applied
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