
Google launches a new billing system in the Play Store .. and developers pay the bill

The start of the new billing system policy in Google Play, this change forces developers to use the private payment system, and start in-app purchase, the update means you can’t add links or sections in the app redirect to buy premium subscriptions from your site or the corresponding alternative alternative, will have to You have to pay a fee of 15% or 30% (depending on the category of your application) to the search giant to facilitate transactions Transactions.

announced google First time in September 2020, giving developers a window of 2017 Google Play Billing It is the default payment system. last May

As of today, the company’s new policy applies to everyone – and things are changing. for example, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, alternative, or an alternative, or another alternative.

Include spotify On a premium section included in the application Android private that redirects to their website. Technically, you should technically remove this section. to become a deal with google New alternative project project, obtained site transfer permit TheNextWeb.

You can read the terms on this page.

If your app fails to comply google Blogs 1 (June) 2022, it will be removed from the Play Store.

Is this the case in this place in the world.

Developers in Google give them until October 2022 Iranian change. This may change as it happened earlier this week, the Indian competition authority found (CCI) That billing terms Big J”Unfair and ‘discriminatory’“.

Last year, Korea passed a law to force an Apple And the google on an alternate project project. complied google For that matter, it will stop at 11% if the app uses a third party.

A lot of people appear angry at Google because of how it distributes apps on the Play Store game. Earlier this week, I criticized Epic Games The company said: ‘One does not change the status quo anti-group“.

She said ADIF (Digital India Alliance Foundation)startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups, startups google compulsorily:

From its actions and advertisements google Create the illusion of choice. we are in ADIF We urge selection for all applications.

to me google Convenience – as regulators around the world look to change the way department stores operate with new rules.

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