How to view the “links” you’ve visited on Instagram

Instagram started last year, Instagram started testing new general commerce in their activity on business, since new year, since new year, since blocked, since deleted, boosted including posts and stories. videos, and Reels, along with their interactions like comments, likes, story stickers reactions, and more.
Divide into, reads, likes and responses to stories from specific domains, themselves, by date, past, likes, and responses to stories, all in one place. You can see the links you have visited, you can also see the list of links you have visited, you can follow the steps below.
1. Open the Instagram app on your Android or iOS smartphone.
2. The icon in the icon in the adjacent image.
3. Click on the three lines in the upper corner.
4. From the menu, tap on your activity.
5. Click on the links you have visited option.
6. On the next page, you will be able to see the links you have visited on Instagram.
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