
How do you run it? How to turn on or off location services on an Android phone

You can save it through the services running on your mobile your site in some of the preferred languages ​​of the site.

An opportunity for what the “Business Insider” site mentioned, it is easy to turn on the location services, turn it on, turn on the location services, providing you with the steps of any Android phone.

How to enable location services on Android

The Android phone does the location service in general

Start the Settings app and tap Location, if it’s off, use the Location Usage by right button.

You should also check individual apps, if you want to run a specific app for location services, tap on app and app permissions in the app.

Tap the application applicable to California, California.

How to disable location services on Android

If you want to install this name, it indicates a huge rise in your applications.

If you want to disable location services globally, no apps can know where you are, start the app and tap Location.

The turn on was turned on, turn off the site by the button next to the left.

Tap on disable app in the menu only.

Tap on the application to apply the application, but the option to apply the uses.

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