A balloon space trip will cost you 125,000 dollars.. Know its details

Implementation of the action plan was carried out on space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, 20 miles (30 km), outer space to work.
Nonsense as the British, British, British, and US-based stoneware Daily Mail has reported more details about its giant balloon project after sharing illustrations of its passenger seat transfer cabins, 5-foot (1.5 m) high windows, dark and purple hues and ribbon drinks.
It has so far sold more than 600 tickets, priced at $125,000 each, and hopes to begin launching its balloon from the Kennedy Space Center in late 2024.
It found that the blue origin travel fee is US$450,000.
Will the flight be the cheapest way to fly?
The company’s balloon is up to 20 miles in height, rising over 50 miles from the animation range.
AFP Space Agency: “We’re above 99% of Earth’s atmosphere, which means that passengers will really see the jet black of space,” which means there’s a way that’s really changing the way people think about spaceflight and making it more accessible and accessible. “
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