
Amazon did not pay income tax on European sales of 55 billion dollars in 2021 .. Details

Despite Amazon’s losses, the main European business increase in sales to about 55 billion US dollars

The company’s post-registration income tax payment amounted to 1.16 billion euros ($1.26 billion) and got up to 1 billion euros in credit, entered and entered on Largberg’s back, and the output was mainly from the net use of the first stage of the tax consolidation system.

Reports imports from divisions in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Sweden and the Netherlands, and increased their sales by 17% in 2021.

“Across Europe, we pay corporate taxes to hundreds of millions of euros,” an Amazon spokesperson told Bloomberg. Revenue, profits and taxes are written down through stores in every country, and the company said it incurred a loss after opening more than 50 locations. New across the continent last year.

Amazon has been the subject of criticism for the tax treatments it receives turns into the resulting income, and in 2017, the European Union slapped Amazon with a 250 million euro ($280 million) tax bill.

Amazon has successfully resumed Bill of the Year and has been introduced in the European Federation.

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