
Scientists: 21% of reptile species are threatened with extinction.. know the details

Russian and foreign ecologists have analyzed the condition of 10 thousand species of reptiles, RT reports.

where it is transmitted or equal to 21% of it. This was announced on Wednesday, April 27, by the press office

We must develop multiple plans in the field of saving these plants and their evolutionary history. .

Ecology has learned that ecology began in 7.

And their emergency illnesses, emergency situations 114 times.

Beads, plants, plants and plants at the end of the age of dinosaurs.

Wox-Cox and colleagues, including, among others, the islands of the Antarctic region.

Data on their numbers, problems and habitats were collected. About 1,000 ecologists specialized in studying this class of animals participated in that.

A detailed analysis of this data showed 1829 species out of 10196 of the studied reptiles, and it appeared from the large page in numbers and the severe shrinkage in the size of their environment.

Those processes will affect different types of reptiles on different forms of forests (about 30% of species), with those of different types of forms, however these types of forms are different (about 14% of species). Different types of reptiles and their families.

In particular, different species suffered from other species, with scientists suggesting to transfer about a third of them to the categories of temperament with extinction, the impact of extinction, less than eels and reptiles, beaked head.

Most of the endangered reptiles are concentrated in three geographical regions: Africa, East Asia and East Asia.

Scientists hope that the authorities of countries in these regions will force steps to be taken in the near future.

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