
Jack Dorsey reveals the truth about his return to the post of Twitter President

Jack Dorsey is trying to root out.

“Nah he’s CEO again,” he tweeted, in response to someone who predicted he would return to lead the company he co-founded, before saying he didn’t want the job.

As planned in Move to Decentralized Protocol, a project to transform Twitter into a decentralized protocol, rather than a traditional social network.

Dorsey has a controversial history with the leadership role at Twitter, who was fired by the company’s board of directors as CEO in 2008, having returned to the CEO role in 2015 after only a year helping him start the startup (on the question of his stay on the board) A group of investors took to Twitter’s board of directors in 2020, citing its storied interest and lack of innovation, but Dorsey was able to hold on to his job. But in (November) 2021, he resigned unclear

After being CEO for a long time, he was hired for a long time until he was ready to buy the company and make it (an saga started with him just looking to get on the board, then the program up and running successfully, temporarily loading a driver, running SpaceX and Tesla.

People think Jack could be a roving pick, Dorsey recently talked about some photos, making it sound like an especially arrow in which direction the company is going (although it’s full of offsets surrounding keeping us guessing.), It also looks like it should. Find it in a few hours on the adjoining, on Twitter.

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