
Learn how to use writing interactions on WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal

WhatsApp introduces one of its smallest and one previous – chat reactions where emoticons can be used to reply to a message in individual and group chats without having to start a new reply, other apps were like the other cable And Signal And slack be of time.

Before using this set, be sure to update your app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Here’s how to use it:

Open the WhatsApp application on your phone.

Go to a conversation and find the message you want to record on.

Long press on the message and react with emoji.

Mouse over a message and you’ll find an emoji next to it. You can click that to reply to a message.

Message six emoji to reply to messages.

WhatsApp is rumored to be working on a feature dedicated to polls, but it is not known when. In the meantime you can ask the group members to reply a specific emoji message to vote.

How does it compare to Telegram and Signal?

Everyone came out cable And Signal As far as auto responding of time. Same running action: a verbose action on adding a reaction emoji reaction. But you have more options.

Telegram keeps track of a user getting 16 emojis in response. As for the application Signal It allows you to write an expressive writing, as a feedback.

Besides the emoji reactions, WhatsApp is also introducing the ability to create larger groups with 512 members, and the feature for files up to 2GB in size. That should put WhatsApp on a par with Telegram.

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