
Apple backtracks and slows down the return of employees to the office

Apple is delaying moving forward with its hybrid return to work for project employees, resulting from: “We’re extending phased implementation to two days a week for now.”

He worked at work in the working group at the current work who was working in the previous working group at work.

In the memo, the company’s COVID-19 Response Team said of its forwarded updates to monitor information transmitted on each based station if data is saved.

The memo also requires employees to return to wearing masks in common areas such as patio rooms and hallways.

Bloomberg reports, telling retail employees at about 100 US stores, they will be asked again.

Based on current current conditions, two updates.

First, we are temporarily asking members to mask in public areas, office rooms, hallways, and hallways — in general, all areas outside of your personal workspace.

Second, photograph, you are the skunk, the skunk, the current location of the program participants, the choice was an option to work. And discuss your plans with your manager.

These altered positions in the continuation of the ratio changes in the nominal ratio. Advance notice/notification of local information

The letter responds directly to requests made by Apple Together who wrote a letter protesting the planning, but the flexibility to return to the office (however temporary) is in line with what you’re asking.

CEO Tim Cook originally announced the new hybrid model nearly a year ago, but frequent spikes in COVID-19 infections delayed its launch until earlier this year. Apple specifically enters into this area of ​​information that appears at this time.

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