Russia builds asphalt roads from ready-made plastic materials.. know its benefits
Russia starts using plastics, putting them on roads, RT reports.
Fresh water.
The project will be unveiled at the forum “Powerful Ideas for a New Time” to be held by the Russian “Terry” commercial and the Roscongress website under the “Scientific Technological Initiative” program.
A Russian spokesman said that specialists from the Lipetsk region had found a way to raise the quality of the road surface while solving the problem of processing used plastics.
The specialists suggested using a mixture of triangular triangular plastic and thawed bags, bottles and containers for snacks. There are two projects: one is the partial recovery of bitumen with plastic, and the second is a completely plastic road.
Among the benefits of both projects are lower road maintenance costs, reduced asphalt costs, and less waste.
Water resistance and death resistance.
A team of specialists involved in the project reported similar reports in India and the Netherlands.
The owners of the project said that in the case of bitumen and official, the advantages of this method from an environmental point of view.
The industry has built 2,000 km of roads by processing 8,000 tons of plastic, knowing that transmission is extrusion of 8% of the road surface, and in Canada, specialists have announced a technology that allows the use of 20% of used plastic.
It was suggested that the process of using the technology begin with the pedestrian paths.
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