
A new feature “compulsory” on the iPhone .. in the interest of the user

We often face the problem of deleting applications on iPhone phones, so Apple plans to force application creators to put a “button” or the feature to install applications easily in Al Arabiya Net quotes.

And from June 30, Apple will force apps you create an account with, to “provide a button” to delete the app whenever they want.

Easily delete

This page is the appearance of developers, trying to get requisitions

While the rules that Apple demanded developers of applications provide for the option of deleting the account is “obvious and easy to find,” according to the British newspaper, “The Sun”.

Not just the disruption

People have also been enabled to delete the account along with their personal data.

Some exceptions are noted, such as regulatory areas such as banking, where companies are allowed to make them more in-depth due to their importance.

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