
Learn about the destination of the James Webb Telescope between planets and lava

NASA’s James Webb Telescope is heading toward its first targets toward a giant Earth covered in lava oceans and an exoplanet with even greater force. The sun’s planetary surface temperature, known as 55 Cancri E, is 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit (2,400 degrees Celsius), the hottest His values ​​from the previous graph, and then, hence it is thought for a new business in his business graph, display them on their turnover pattern.

Earth predictions from the planet Neptune.

As it orbits less than 1.5 million miles from its Sun-like star, and completes one circle in less than 18 hours, the telescope will also observe planet LHS 3844 b, which orbits a star smaller and cooler than the host star 55 Cancri e.

This is the heat source to get a high percentage of electrical rays in the desktop.

I’m starting the James Webb telescope, and our performance is on its way to an end, the Webb telescope is now awaiting final calibration, before the stars begin in outer space.

NASA researchers will train onboard high-resolution spectrographs on 55 Cancri e to understand its geology, and this will give insight into the geological diversity of planets across the galaxy, and the evolution of rocky planets like Earth.

Infrared (NIRCam) and Infrared Instrument (MIRI) to capture the emission spectrum of the day side.

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