
Learn how to add a “link” to your Instagram Stories

Instagram has expanded it on adding links in stories for all accounts, it doesn’t matter if you have a business or creator profile and no matter how many followers you have, you can add links to your Instagram stories, however more than 10k followers.

At first.

Viewers click on the story Click the arrow under the image Below the image Below the page Below the page Back to Bio just that link “in bio”.

Apart from all this, the link on Instagram is easily available and can be added in the story from the sticker tray, showing viewers the first part of the article link which provides more transparency.

1. Take a screenshot and upload the content as an Instagram Story.

2. poster to poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster transition to poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster poster engraved poster poster poster engraved poster

3. Paste the one you want in the link.

4. You can switch the text and color by clicking on the link.

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