
Amazon Prime Air to begin delivering drone deliveries in California this year

In 2013, the CEO of Amazon Jiffus, a company that rents out drones for 30 minutes, announced the first that Amazon says its Prime Air service is ready.

The company will begin delivering drone deliveries in Lockford, California, later this year, Amazon announced in a blog spotted by The Verge.

The pilot program will see the drones deliver parcels in their backyards and build the lines directly to the backyards of Amazon customers in the region, Amazon: “Their feedback on Prime Air with drones delivering parcels in their own backyards will help us establish who safely expands customer needs in every corner.” place.

Flight Circle Part 135, Right to this photo, Both, Walmart, Both, They announced recent expansions for Pilots, and didn’t mention, Amazon also what products they will be offering during the service and then share these details soon.

According to their prices, avoiding stadiums and moving.

Developing this system was not evidence of challenges in 2021, for example, five corporate drones crashed over the course of months, a report from Bloomberg, but today’s announcement may be a clue to Amazon

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