iPhone phone slow problem..make it down

Whether you are using Chrome, Safari or Firefox browser, it is easy to re-accelerate your iPhone, on the one hand, Al Arabiya Net.
It will lead to trade and will lead to retail trade.
Tourism elsewhere.
Most data storage operations store data in a temporary memory until it is easy to retrieve, according to what was reported by “CNET”, and reviewed by “Al Arabiya.net”.
And it’s like, you store 24 drinks in your fridge so you don’t have to go to the grocery every time you want a drink, which is convenient in smaller quantities.
Looks like previous versions are available on the backups site.
On top of this, the facts are, the reality is that the loading speeds are slower and the website formatting is not appropriate.
This desk guards the cache: this place preserves and preserves it in Arabic script.
You should pay attention to the cache
In general, matters relating to this matter.
I sent the following step to clarify the following:
How to clear iPhone cache in Safari:
Download Safari the default browser
Getting Started In iOS 11, this process works on all the items in your iCloud account.
The coordinating office of the site, its storage number and its own number for your devices,
1- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2- Select Safari from the list of applications.
3- Scroll down the page, down the previous page, clear info, and then next!
4- Confirm your choice in the popup.
If you are using the Chrome browser from Google, what you should do:
1- Open the Chrome app.
Click on the dots at the bottom right More options.
3- Next scroll to Settings.
4- Select Privacy in the following menu.
5- Then select “Clear browsing data” to open a final menu.
6- Select the range in the list (anywhere from the last hour to all times).
7- Make sure to select cookies and site data, along with cached images and files. Tap Browsing data at the bottom of the screen.
How to clear iPhone cache in Firefox.
This you just need to follow the following steps.
1- Click on the “hamburger” menu in the bottom corner to open the options.
2- Choose Settings in the next part of the menu.
3- Select Data management in the Privacy section.
4- You can specify the “web” site to clear data for individual sites, or select Clear private data in Detailed Detailed Data in Master Data.
temporary storing
Store cached data in the cache in the cache is cached in the store.
Saved data accumulates in the cache.
There were more cars and cell phones.
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