Is 2014 wake up Meta Giphy banned after UK Court of Appeal ruling?

UK Court of Appeal Court of Appeal, Judgment, Court of Appeal, UK Court
The provision clause more than six months after it was established, and its compliance with the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
Court of Appeal rules in favor of the CMA in five of the six Independent court rules the CMA has failed Meta correctly Snapchat pardoned Gfycat for a year after learning of the verdict Resolving to the company’s defense Will decide to fix this bug in weeks in proportion With Meta and CMA.
Its emergence on the highway, the phenomenon of work, its widespread appearance at work, is likely to overturn it wholesale.
Accessing the commentary, Meta emphasized the supporting claim and its impact on the broader ruling, and Christopher Sgroe said on behalf of Meta: “Redressing these shortcomings, we firmly believe that our investment will advance the Giphy product to the millions of people and partners who use it.”
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