Will Apple release a new 15-inch MacBook with an M2 option processor? report answers

New version refers to the new version of the new version of the new 15-inch MacBook with a choice of M2 or M2 Pro processor, which is the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro refers to the earlier version of Apple recently with the 13-inch.
From 2023, earlier than 2023, this is the earliest date for the fourth flight rollout of the M1 and M1 Pro, according to a digitartlend report.
This 15-inch laptop might be the MacBook Air, previously surprising.
I offer a 12-inch MacBook layout, but we could have mentioned as much as possible to do bigger, bigger popular and from smartphones to larger displays. The Internet, applications and applications.
Either way, this will be my first MacBook, this was my first MacBook, and additionally I use the standard M1.
Its time, and then the M2 Pro, M2 Max and M2 Urtla coming in 2023, so the M2 Pro hints are not surprising.
Creating an overall speed improvement interface, Apple’s new M2 processor makes significant gains in graphics processing, and from point to point the M2 Pro doubles these performance boosts, making it a very, very powerful laptop. Currently, the M1 Pro variant is only available in the MacBook Pro version Up next from the 15-inch laptop running the M2 Pro might end up being the “MacBook Pro”.
The 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pro computers were a continuum of many, while the 15-inch MacBook Pro was updated through 2019, it appears Apple may bring back at least one of its laptop sizes.
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