A study reveals that polar bears are not affected by climate change in the third stage of romance
A new study in Australia, where researchers from the University of Washington discovered a new group of polar bears living in the ice-free sea in southeast Greenland, was published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.
The report is from the original site
The annual report of the Arctic Ocean, islands, islands, islands, islands, islands, islands, islands, temperatures gives this new set of insights into how the species will continue into the future,” the report said.
The area you live in
polar bears
Landed: “But I don’t spare, big climate change landing.”
Autumn winter in autumn.
A/AA/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A/A Population.
Their findings show that this group consists of a few hundred bears and is genetically distinct from any of the 19 previously known populations of polar bears, and co-author Professor Beth Shapiro comments: “Are the most genetically isolated populations of polar bears in place on this planet?“.
The reference database indicates that the reference database refers to the two oceans in the two oceans, the common airlines.
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