The discovery of the largest bacteria in the world that can be seen with the naked eye

He discovered the largest known bacteria in the world in the swamp of the mangrove forests in the Caribbean, and it is so large that it can be seen with the naked eye for its enormity. CNN“.
Jean-Marie Foland, a marine biologist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and author of the paper, which announced the discovery, Thursday, in the journal Science, explained that the white microbiome, is “the largest bacteria known to date.”
CNN report
And Olivier Gross, co-author and a biologist in the West Indies and French Guiana, found the first example of this layer called Theomargarita magnifica, or “brilliant sulfur pearl,” clinging to sunken mangrove leaves in the Guadeloupe archipelago in 2009..
But he didn’t immediately realize it was a bacterium due to its surprisingly large size, just over a third of an inch (0.9 cm).
Regarding genetic analysis at a later time.

bacteria found


Seemingly not interested in their own activities, they are set for cultivation
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