The mystery of the strange ‘honeycomb pattern’ on Mars has been revealed

The HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Scientific Experiment) camera appears on the rover, launched the rover, and launched a major in 2006. Sculpting the surface of Mars at high latitudes.
What RT says is water ice, frozen in the soil, dividing the Earth into polygons. Global warming is warming the glacier ice.
The sheet that forms on the outside is exposed, exposed to the layer that is formed from the outside, exposed to the layer exposed to the plane, the cover layer unfolds covering the light surface with gas holes. .
Which increases the erosion of the channels.
Particles of particles in the form of waves at the top. As soon as the ventilation opening closes, and then opens again, the movements of two or more fans coming from the same place but directed in different directions with the change of the wind.”
As well as clues about climatic conditions. We have used the comparison between composites and Antarctica.
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