
Steps .. How to create a “close friends” list on Instagram

Instagram, a popular social media platform between Generation Z and Generation Z, offers a number of shared games

It also provides an option to add specific followers or friends to his close friends list, and only relay those people with your story, when he adds or removes someone from your list, they won’t get a notification.

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.

2. Click on the profile picture icon located in the right corner of the screen.

3. Click on the list of horizontal lines available at the previous level in the upper corner of the screen.

4. Select the Close Friends option from the drop-down list.

5. Select Done after checking friends names from the list that you want to add to your Close Friends list.

Those who are added to your close friends list, but they can look to see you, and also, you can add you to your close friends list, and only you from their shows green badge trees when viewing stories of someone you’ve been uploaded to their list.

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