A new scientific project for citizens by analyzing images of the giant Jupiter storm
In 2011, and its launch occurred in 2011, aims to discover the different types of clouds toy atmosphere of Jupiter.
If the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, researchers will focus at the University of Minnesota, researchers will focus on the vortices that form in long origins.
What results in the multicolor cause of clouds in eddies, due to the composition of the atmosphere?
Jupiter is located more than 467 million miles from Earth and its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium.
Scientists hope to better understand these areas and model insights into basic physics/chemistry.
His photos, gay, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday, good photo, good photo, good photo, friday, friday, friday, friday, friday.
It shot NASA, which happened, and, awesome, about 131,000 miles per hour, and Pakistan.
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