
Warning from Android phones of a high-risk attack

The monitoring team specialized in electronic security has warned of the screens of Android phones for a new attack called Hermit, targeting them through fake applications that have the ability to fully control the phone and steal photos, according to the UAE statement.

The activity has been destroyed. According to Russia Today.

Some hackers have clever new tactics including sending fake text alerts indicating that social media accounts need to continue with an idea. This type of real nomenclature, exported, quickly begins to infect the virus with the herpes virus.

The monitoring team said: “Hermitt pretends to come from legitimate entities, telecom companies

It should be noted that it has been deleted in the Google Play Store

It says its own operating network to update its drivers.

Also advise on how to avoid becoming a victim in the Internet with advice on that:

• Update your phone and apps: Operating systems and apps often contain vulnerabilities that need to be patched. Update them to find vulnerabilities.

• Don’t click on unknown links: The most common method an attacker uses to deliver software is to send you a message pretending to be a legitimate source. Don’t click on links, especially when you don’t know the source.

• Do not install known: Be careful when installing known apps, even if the source of the app appears to be a legitimate authority.

• Periodically review your applications: In some programs you may change settings or install additional content on your phone. Check your phone periodically to make sure that nothing unknown has been added

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