Saudi news

Imposing final anti-dumping duties on Saudi imports of a polymer product

The Ministerial Committee, formed of industry ministers in the Gulf Cooperation Council states, approved the recommendation of the Standing Committee for Combating Harmful Practices in International Trade to impose final anti-dumping duties on Saudi Arabia’s imports of superabsorbent polymers originating from or exported from China, Belgium, Singapore, Korea and France.

And the Office of the Technical Secretariat for Combating Harmful Practices in International Trade in the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and through the official bulletin of the Office of the Technical Secretariat, published the decision of the Ministerial Committee to impose final anti-dumping duties against the imports of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (secluded market) of the super-absorbent polymers product.

The Director of the Office of the Technical Secretariat for Combating Harmful Practices in International Trade, Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Muhaideb, stated that the decision of the Ministerial Committee to adopt the recommendation of the Standing Committee came based on the reports of the Office of the Technical Secretariat for Combating Harmful Practices in International Trade in the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council, after studying all aspects of the various investigation stages. Where all the comments of the relevant parties and the interest participating in the investigation were taken into account, and this investigation is the first of its kind at the level of the Cooperation Council, as fees will be imposed only on the Saudi market, according to the Saudi Press Agency, “SPA”.

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