
90% of Syrians are below the poverty line, and 15 million people need aid

Today, Wednesday, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) stated that about 90% of Syrians Today they live below the poverty line, and more than 15 million people need humanitarian assistance.

“The international community must face the hard truth that the situation in Syria is intolerable, and that failure to act will have serious repercussions for all concerned and impede any prospects for a sustainable recovery,” said Fabrizio Carboni, IRC Regional Director for the Near and Middle East.

Carboni added, “We cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of people in Syria. We must prioritize preserving critical infrastructure and providing comprehensive humanitarian responses,” according to a statement published by the committee on its official website.

Imminent collapse of services

In its statement, the committee called on donor countries to make an immediate international commitment to preserving the vital infrastructure and basic services in Syria.

And she warned that the collapse of basic services in Syria is not a “distant threat” and will have devastating repercussions for the Syrian people.

From northern Syria (AFP)

From northern Syria (AFP)

Carboni also added, “The collapse of these basic services is not a distant threat. Rather, the possibility of its occurrence is very high, and it will have devastating repercussions for the Syrian people, if the necessary measures are not taken to prevent it from happening.”

Damage to water stations

The committee said that the danger of the collapse of vital infrastructure in Syria is a matter of concern, noting that restrictive measures and international sanctions have impeded the import of spare parts needed to maintain vital infrastructure in major cities.

She continued by saying that most of the water purification plants were damaged and are now operating at low capacities, which has led to an alarming decrease in the possibilities of access to drinking water.

The capital, Damascus (AFP)

The capital, Damascus (AFP)

It is noteworthy that the Syrian economy has reached its lowest levels since the outbreak of the crisis nearly 12 years ago, with the escalation of inflation, the collapse of the value of the Syrian pound, and the acute shortage of fuel in both areas controlled by the regime and those controlled by the opposition.

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